In 2019, a small group of church planters & community volunteers began renovating a 120-year-old church building in Summit, AR.
At the end of 2018, the elders at The River Bible Church in Mountain Home, AR were approached by the White River Baptist Association. They were informed about a church building in Summit, AR that was vacated as the church meeting there was moving to another town. After praying and researching the need, the elders believed that God would have them plant a church in Summit.
In May of 2019, there were a few folks that started meeting on Sunday nights in the fellowship hall, going through the book of John and then eating a meal together. At this time the church started to renovate the sanctuary.
In January 2020, a group met in the sanctuary for the first time. Since then, God has abundantly guided and blessed Summit Bible Church. As we have been led to engage with the small community around us, we have discovered individuals, made in God’s image, with numerous needs & gifts.
God’s kindness in provision has allowed us to reach out to that community and share His Gospel through many means: prayer walks, The Table (an annual event where we invite the community to a meal), Thanksgiving baskets, Weekly Youth, Concerts, and more as our creative body comes up with unique ways to shine the Light of Christ to their world.
The hope has always been to glorify God in our love for Him, for each other, and to be a light to the community.
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Hebrews 12:1 & 2